Not every opportunity that is presented (no matter how much they were once desired and intangible), needs to be accepted.
Pursuing the right choices become effortless, when there is flow.
Knowing which opportunity I should invest in, was for a long time a real dilemma for me, time consuming and emotionally depleting. The mired of opportunities 'seemed' like a banquet, but in reality harboured uncertainty and perpetuated greater reluctancy to commit.
In the last few days, another opportunity that seemed so lovely and possible was reconsidered and graciously declined. No ego involved. No doubt. No double checking.
I have a vision for my life and more so than before, I now have the clarity to see things as they are, not as I would like them to be.
There are times in our lives, when our dreams lie on distant shores; and then there are times, when our dreams are like the tide. They ebb and flow until they either slowly seep into our lives or drift out to sea. Nothing is static.