Thursday, 11 December 2008

A new rhythm

I've been back in Melbourne just over two weeks now and slowly I'm finding a new rhythm: started emergency nursing again at St V's & it feels as though I never left; attended an interview for a Lecturers position at a Melbourne University; been reviewing Bayside apartments; applying for art exhibition spaces; and trying to get my car back on the road. With Christmas on my doorstep my chances of getting everything arranged before the end of the year is slim; but it doesn't matter because for now I'm happy to do things step-by-step and allow life to unfold.
Things do magically happen however. For example, the other day I arrived home to find Cameron's racing bike positioned on our front porch. He has loaned me his bike because he knows how much I'm yearning to go out riding. What a lovely surprise. I'm so thrilled.. but please don't say anything to Valentino!

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