Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Breathing & be-ing

After three months of juggling the demands of work (both the workload and 12 hour days), with settling into my beach side abode and establishing a new Melbourne lifestyle, I'm feeling raw and drained.

For a few weeks I've been attributing my fatigue to 'too many late nights', a mild health concern and subsequent change in diet (including a reduction in caffeine intake...!) and my cross training regime'.. but all that aside, I think Jules is plain worn out.

Originally, I thought I'd come back to Australia and settle in Melbourne for no longer than 6months or just long enough to get things sorted for my return to Italy. I definitely wasn't planning on letting the dust settle under my feet. But it seems that things have changed. During the time I've been home in Melbourne one decision seems to have led to another and sorting through these things has been more demanding and time consuming than I had anticipated.

Although I haven't lost the 'dream' to return to my home in Italy to live and work, I don't want to return to repeat the same experiences I've already had there or to end up struggling like so many other ambitious ex patriates.
I feel like it's time to achieve more and to 'live' without looking to the past or the future.

Just like everyone I'm striving for love, peace and happiness.

I had it here and I found it there. I'm sure that I'll find it where ever I go, because it is within me.

In Italy I achieved this by living simply. I went to Italy with one solitary preconception "to live in Italy for 12months"; but the incredible sensations, experiences and people who I shared my life in Italy with, burnt beauty and magic into my mind, heart and soul and transformed me. I want more of this... but perhaps now is not the moment for more.

At times being in Melbourne feels like I'm slipping back into my cocoon and I yearn for the tender vistas of Bella Firenze and beyond, but living overseas made me realise how capable and courageous I am and that I can achieve ANYTHING.

So now I think it's time that I let Australia's landscape and it's people transform me.

I'm not standing on the edge of the cliff waiting to free fall. I'm back on the mountain climbing slowly step by step to my uncertain but exciting destiny.

It's time to breathe & be.

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