Thursday, 29 October 2009

Dicharazione di valore

This morning Claudia from the Italian Consulate in Melbourne handed me my Dicharazione di valore. These official papers mean that my professional degrees have been recognised and that I have been permitted International registration to practice as a nurse in Italy...! Ahhh... La dolce vita.

I can't believe it. Dreams really DO come true. Even though I now have a long road ahead of me at least I'm on the path. all feels like a dream. As though the journey from that first decision to pursue this dream to now happened in a heart beat.

I do believe that one day I'll be sitting under a vine branches in the garden of my tuscan villa sipping wine as my bare legs languish in the sun, with my gorgeous husband and big eyed, curly top children around me.

In the interim there is this dream to establish and I look forward to pursuing a career with combines art and nursing in Italy and in Australia.

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

One month later

A lot has happened since September 28th 2009. Conversations have opened doors to great and unexpected opportunities and honesty and naivety have possibly closed some. Although some elements of this have been unexpected and challenging what is important is that I have stayed focused on my destiny and not been persuaded by someone elses' agenda.

I feel like I'm in the lounge room of my career and I have to keep reminding myself that some of these risks are necessary, if I want to achieve my dreams.

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Friday, 9 October 2009

Pealing the Bells

The Melbourne Arts Festival opened tonight with a memorable and spectacular celebration.

After the dusk performance of the Pealing of the Bells by Strange Fruit at Birrarung Marr, across the Yarra River at Alexandra Gardens, Europe's acclaimed Transe Express performed their signature masterpiece. An orchestra of bell ringers and percussionists lifted skywards, forming a musical chandelier above the city. The carillon was hoisted on a huge flower-like structure and transformed its shape and movement throughout the performance. The images were brilliant and evoked childlike nostalgia and memories of the Maggi Festival in Assisi.

Thursday, 1 October 2009

100 things

Inspired by a recent blog site, I'm going to compose a list of 100 things I like in no particular order.

1. the breeze on my face; 2. family; 3. close friends; 4. walking along a coral splayed shore; 5. smiling; 6. crying; 7. writing; 8. people who can express themselves in fashion; 9. people who express themselves with language; 10. creativity; 11. spontaneity; 12. feeling free; 13. dreaming of flying; 14. baci; 15. Firenze; 16. night time; 17. cycling; 18. cooking a delicious meal with whatever ingredients can be found in the fridge; 19. helping a stranger; 20. looking into people's eyes; 21. day dreaming; 22. visiting churches; 23. furring my head under a doona on a cold winter's night; 24. my sleigh bed; 25. my Douglas & Hope patchwork quilt; 26. soaking in a scented bath; 27. coffee; 28. seeing my nephews; 29. traveling to a new destination; 30. the capacity to resolve complex scenarios; 31. stars; 32-35. poetry, prose, words & calligraphy; 36-40. 4 seasons: the scent of spring, the rustle of Autumn leaves under my feet, crisp winter snow and summer's warmth on my skin; 41. my memories; 42. childhood; 43. honesty; 44. passion fruit; 45. receiving letters; 46. silver jewellery (especially Bouvier); 47. Island holidays. 48. trekking mountains; 49.laughing until my tummy aches; 50. walking on sand; 51. feeling beautiful; 52. conversing with people who will no longer be a stranger to me; 53. receiving news from a friend I have just been thinking of; 54. finding spare change in the side of the seat car when you are looking for your purse to pay the parking meter; 55. an unexpected visit from a friend; 56. news from overseas; 57. lying on the beach reading; 58. eating; 59. wearing gloss lipstick; 60. my curly hair; 61. my celestial blue eyes; 62. wearing my emotions on my sleeve; 63. feeling as though the Berlin wall falling down on me couldn't scratch my skin, after my heart had broken; 64. hope; 65. wearing electric mod inspired fashion; 66. beautiful dogs; 67. foreign films; 68. soft cheeses; 69. evening soiree's over red wine; 70. visiting art galleries; 71. listening to jazz; 72. reading about the human body and how it functions or it's dysfunction; 73. human stories; 74. prayers; 75. festive celebrations; 76. water; 77. family photographs; 78. the sea; 79. inspiring people; 80-83. the smell of linseed oil; frankincense and roses; 84. peonies; 85. my mothers embrace; 86. being organised; 87. stylish gym gear; 89. accessorising; 90. Thank you's; 91. lace; 92. silence; 93. lazy Sunday's in bed with company; 94. my history; 95. being of Italian descent; 96. seeing elderly couples walk earnestly hand in hand; 97. ponder what my future will be and who it will be with; 98. make the most of every opportunity and fill each day; 99. learning; 100. being moi.