Thursday, 1 October 2009

100 things

Inspired by a recent blog site, I'm going to compose a list of 100 things I like in no particular order.

1. the breeze on my face; 2. family; 3. close friends; 4. walking along a coral splayed shore; 5. smiling; 6. crying; 7. writing; 8. people who can express themselves in fashion; 9. people who express themselves with language; 10. creativity; 11. spontaneity; 12. feeling free; 13. dreaming of flying; 14. baci; 15. Firenze; 16. night time; 17. cycling; 18. cooking a delicious meal with whatever ingredients can be found in the fridge; 19. helping a stranger; 20. looking into people's eyes; 21. day dreaming; 22. visiting churches; 23. furring my head under a doona on a cold winter's night; 24. my sleigh bed; 25. my Douglas & Hope patchwork quilt; 26. soaking in a scented bath; 27. coffee; 28. seeing my nephews; 29. traveling to a new destination; 30. the capacity to resolve complex scenarios; 31. stars; 32-35. poetry, prose, words & calligraphy; 36-40. 4 seasons: the scent of spring, the rustle of Autumn leaves under my feet, crisp winter snow and summer's warmth on my skin; 41. my memories; 42. childhood; 43. honesty; 44. passion fruit; 45. receiving letters; 46. silver jewellery (especially Bouvier); 47. Island holidays. 48. trekking mountains; 49.laughing until my tummy aches; 50. walking on sand; 51. feeling beautiful; 52. conversing with people who will no longer be a stranger to me; 53. receiving news from a friend I have just been thinking of; 54. finding spare change in the side of the seat car when you are looking for your purse to pay the parking meter; 55. an unexpected visit from a friend; 56. news from overseas; 57. lying on the beach reading; 58. eating; 59. wearing gloss lipstick; 60. my curly hair; 61. my celestial blue eyes; 62. wearing my emotions on my sleeve; 63. feeling as though the Berlin wall falling down on me couldn't scratch my skin, after my heart had broken; 64. hope; 65. wearing electric mod inspired fashion; 66. beautiful dogs; 67. foreign films; 68. soft cheeses; 69. evening soiree's over red wine; 70. visiting art galleries; 71. listening to jazz; 72. reading about the human body and how it functions or it's dysfunction; 73. human stories; 74. prayers; 75. festive celebrations; 76. water; 77. family photographs; 78. the sea; 79. inspiring people; 80-83. the smell of linseed oil; frankincense and roses; 84. peonies; 85. my mothers embrace; 86. being organised; 87. stylish gym gear; 89. accessorising; 90. Thank you's; 91. lace; 92. silence; 93. lazy Sunday's in bed with company; 94. my history; 95. being of Italian descent; 96. seeing elderly couples walk earnestly hand in hand; 97. ponder what my future will be and who it will be with; 98. make the most of every opportunity and fill each day; 99. learning; 100. being moi.

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