Monday, 11 June 2012


Proses to reflect upon from the exhibition "Chi sono io? La ricerca dell'identita altraverso il disegno" by Masal Pas Bagdadi. 17/5 - 10/6 2012
Triennale, Milano.

'Every man at the end decides for himself and education in its final analysis must help one to make ones own choices.' U. Frankl

'The human being's condition is the perpetual search for the meaning of life, which is given to us by the other, by his encounter with us. Without meeting the other we are lost and become strangers or enemies of ourselves, no longer fertile.' Francoise Dolto.

'Women are closer to the Creator as they give life. her rhythm is more natural, closer to things and beings, therefore she must make less of an effort to find the unity of the world that surrounds her.' Nadinn Scenker Akiba.

'Il buio e la luce ancora si alteraneranno finche arrivera l'amore a dare un nuovo significato all'esistenza. Il ciclosi chiude e nasce un'altra vita.'

'Io creao, ho tutti i colori che servono per crearmi. Non c'e nessuno come me e voglio che tutti lo sappiano.'

And my favourite... 

The Wisdom of the Cabala (English and Italian version).
'When two lovers kiss each other, they exchange four breaths; each will inhale the breathe of the other, ceding in this way his own breath. The four breaths then unite, becoming one breathe, which is the breath of the child born between them.'

'Quando due amanti si baciano sulla bocca, si scambiano quattro respiri; ciascuno inspira il fiato dell'altro  e cede all'altro il proprio respiro. I quattro respiri allora si uniscono, e diventano un solo respiro, che e il respiro del bambino nato dal loro.'