Saturday, 7 July 2012

Cuocolo & Bosetti

I joined a group of Milanese theatre goers tonight for an apertivo at ex Ospedale Psichiatrico Paolo Pini before car pooling and driving to Vercelli to attend 'Roberta torna a casa'. An intimate and immersive performance by Cuocolo & Bosetti in their home.

I missed their performance when they attended the Melbourne Arts Festival and few years ago and was thrilled to finally have the chance to experience their contemporary and engaging work. It was marvellous, the dialogue captivating and one scene in a room of their home, spell bounding. The images and words are etched in my memory. Just beautiful.

At the end of the night, the delightful couple Maurio and Angela who I had traveled with, drove me home. Cradled in the back of their car, with jazz music softly playing and their distant chatter I fell asleep. It had the nostalgia of my childhood and driving home to Melbourne from Geelong with Mum, Dad and Bruno. Looking back, unexpectedly this feeling is what I needed to 'return home'.